Each academic year, the Aristotle University grants a number of Scholarships to:
A. undergraduate or postgraduate students of Universities abroad within the frame of Inter-University Agreements of Scientific Cooperation, for attending the Summer Intensive Course of the School of Modern Greek Language. Some of these are effected only on the basis of mutual exchange.
In particular:
Yerevan State University
Three(3) places
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohrdiski
Five (5) places on the basis of mutual exchange
Dr. Julieta Borin, International Relations Department
tel:(2) 9308416
mail: julietbor@admin.uni-sofia.bg
York University of Toronto
Two (2) places
Beth Alaksa, York International
tel: (416) 736 5177
mail: balaksa@yorku.ca
Universite Paul Valery – Montpellier III
Up to six (6) places on the basis of mutual exchange.
Coordinator: Mme Marie Pascale Veneau, Section de Grec Moderne
tel:(467) 142135
mail: ‘; document.write( ” ); document.write( addy_text80065 ); document.write( ‘<\/a>’ ); //–> , marie-pascale.veneau@univ-montp3.fr
Universite Marc Bloch – Strasbourg II
Three (3) places on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Prof. Irene Tsamadou-Jacoberger, Directeur, Departement des Etudes
tel:(388) 417394
mail: Irini.Jacoberger@umb.u-strasbg.fr
Universitat Leipzig
One (1) place on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinators: Mrs Jane Moros, Akademisches Auslandsamt
tel: (341) 973 2032
mail: jmoros@rz.uni-leipzig.de
Prof. Dr. Foteini Kolovou, Institut fur Klassische Philologie & Komparistik,
Abt. Byzantinische & Neugriechische Philologie
tel:(341) 973 7702
mail: foteini.kolovou@t-online.de
Trinity College Dublin
Two (2) places
Coordinator: Dr. Christine Morris, School of Classics
mail: cmorris@tcd.ie
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
Three (3) places
Coordinator: Monika Szymaniak, Foreign Relations Office
mail: mszymani@amu.edu.pl
Iasi University Alexandr Ioan Cuza
Three (3) places on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Mrs. Livia Dimitriu, Department of International Relations
tel: (232) 201021-2, 201112
mail: livia.vranescu@uaic.ro
University of Arts in Belgrade
Two (2) places on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Marijana Cvetkovic, International Relations
tel: (11) 62 6994
mail: medjunar@arts.bg.ac.yu
Ιvan Franko National University of Lviv
Five (5) places on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Prof. Lina Glushchenko, Greek Language Center “Arsenios of Elassona”
mail: inomov@yahoo.com, mariana_mokrivska@yahoo.com
Mechnikov State University of Odessa
Five (5) places on the basis of mutual exchange
Prof. Nanouska Podkovirov, Modern Greek Studies Centre
mail: nanoushka@hfcodessa.org, nanouchkapod@yahoo.com
tel:+380 482 630703?
Taurida National Vernadskiy University
Five (5) places
Mariupol State University of Humanities
Five (5) places
No documents are needed since applications are not submitted independently but only through the cooperating Universities as an official proposal of candidates.
B. i) foreign nationals of Greek descent from Albania, Moldova, Romania, Hungary and Czech Republic, and ii) undergraduate or postgraduate students from Southern Italy and Sicily (Magna Grecia), for attending the Summer Intensive Course and the Winter Course of the School of Modern Greek Language. In particular:
i) foreign nationals of Greek descent from Albania, Moldova, Romania, Hungary and Czech Republic, six (6) places, for attending the Summer Intensive Course AND nine (9) places for attending the Winter Course of the School of Modern Greek Language
Applications, with all necessary supporting documents, as described for independent candidates, are submitted either through the Communities, or independently by the candidates themselves, with the additional requirement that they also submit an official document attesting to their Greek descent. The same rules of procedure apply, as described for independent candidates
- CZECH REPUBLIC, Krnov, Asociace Ceckych Osei V. Ceske Republice
- HUNGARY, Budapest, Gorog Orszagos Onkormanyzat
- MOLDOVA, Chisinau, Societatea de Cultura Greca, “Eleftheria”
- ROMANIA, Bucuresti, Uniunea Ellena din Romania
ii) To undergraduate or postgraduate students from Southern Italy and Sicily (Magna Grecia), EITHER three (3) places, for attending the Summer Intensive Course OR one (1) place for attending the Winter Course of the School of Modern Greek Language
Applications, with all necessary supporting documents, as described for independent candidates, are submitted either through the Communities, therefore attesting the candidate’s origin from Magna Grecia, or independently by the candidates themselves with the additional requirement that they also submit an official document attesting to their origin from Magna Grecia. The same rules of procedure apply, as described for independent candidates
- Ismia Greca “JALO TU VUA”, Bova Marina
- Grecanic Association “PALEO COSMO”, Condofuri Marina
- Comunita Ellenica Siciliana “TRINACRIA”, Palermo
- Prof. Daniil Makris, Cattedra di Lingua Greca, c/o Polo Didattico della Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia di Messina
- Federazione delle Communita Elleniche, Centro Culturale Sant’ Anna, Castenaso- Bologna
- Unione dei Comuni della Grecia Salentina, Sternatia